Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Inside the Painter’s Studio by Joe Fig

How do the workspaces and routines of these artists support the work they do? Which artist did you relate to the most and why?

their routines help them get into the creative mindset. Some like to work with music or tv, others in complete silence. Some prefer a city others a more natural setting. Some live in their studio space while others would rather separate work and home. For each person these make all the difference in their work.

I can relate to those who like to listen to music. For me music is a way to block out my surroundings and focus on what I'm doing. It also dictates or even emphasizes my mood. This can change the type of work I do. I like a cleaner space but it has to be separate from my living space. At home to do most of my sketching in the attic. It keeps a separation from my art and my home living space.

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